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Adopt a tree at a cost of only 3 euro

Each one can help to mitigate climate change!

By planting a tree, you become a sponsor of our effort and help us to continue our work. We organize tree plantings in collaboration with municipalities and communities of Cyprus, we take care of the watering of the trees, we green our place.

we need the help of every citizen for our work to be sustainable. 

By adopting trees, you get an adoption certificate and are informed about the day and place of the tree planting.

Adopt trees

Tree planting Sites

Our aim: To make Cyprus a paradise on earth!

By pressing the green button, you can see the map of Cyprus with all the places we plant.

Green colour: The planting has started but not completed

Blue colour: The Planting hasn't started yet. 

Orange colour: The Planting is completed. 

Οι  επόμενες δεντροφυτεύσεις  θα γίνουν  16/3/25  Ξυλιάτος(Φύτεμα 20000 σπόρων στο φυτώριο), 30/3/25 Αραδίππου.

See Where you can plant

We plant for the climate!

Adopt a tree today. At the cost of a coffee! Give hope to our children.

What is YouReforestCyprus

You Reforest Cyprus is the most ambitious project that is undertaken by the group of volunteers of Green Shield, a non profitable, non governmental organization that has the aim to make Cyprus greener. In our nursery we have planted more a 100,000 trees in small pots ready to be planted. We organize plantations all over cyprus , where we plant our trees.

Program in Schools

The Green Shield Youreforestcyprus sapling adoption program gives every child the opportunity to take the effort to care for and grow their own sapling, starting the process from planting the seed.


How you can help

At YouReforestCyprus we plant several species of different plants in order to maintain the biodiversity!

You can help by becoming a volunteer or adopt some trees.







You are donating to : Greennature Foundation

How much would you like to donate?
$10 $20 $30
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